Devi in my life
Today I recieved my Bhairavi Sadhana Kit. I am very excited about it. In Sanatan Dharma it is said that you don't choose deities, they choose you. I am feeling really good from inside since I first saw Linga Bhairavi Devi. I registered for Bhairavi Sadhana almost a week ago and well here we are now.
Sadhana will start from 28th December with an initiation and then it will finish in the end of January. Let me show you what I got in the kit.
1. A Devi Photo
2. Devi Kumkum
3. Abhay Sutra for the seekers
4. Bhairavi Stuti
And I also ordered Devi Pendant which is also needed for Sadhana, it's like a temple in itself, concecrated for the well-being of seeker.
I placed the Devi image in my home temple. Offered her fruits and meditated there for a bit.
Ys we can say it is my first day.
What is Bhairavi Sadhana?
It is not a faith or religion thing but it is a spiritual practice, a powerful method.
It is like what Krishna gave to arjuna, It is like what Budhha taught his desciple. It's a yogic practice.
Worship and celebration of divine feminine, worship of Linga Bhairavi Devi. Goddess of the Yogis and Sidhhas, source of all that is bautiful in this world.
Sadhguru Quotes on Devi
If the feminine is lost on the planet, nothing of beauty, nothing of tenderness, nothing of truly aesthetic value will survive.
Linga Bhairavi is fire – as a woman should be. Fire does not mean fighting, anger, or jealousy – fire as in creation.
Linga Bhairavi is pure, untamed life – life in its highest possibility.
Linga Bhairavi is fierce and compassionate at once.
See you in the next post, till then Namaskaram.