Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Yes! I got initiated in Devi Sadhana

Namaskaram, The Devi Sadhana initiation was on 28th December. I was very nervous about it but everything happened really well.

My Devi.

My family also supported me, they bought all needed stuff, cleaned the Puja room and also bought me a white kurta pajama set.

I woke up early morning, took bath with the ayurvedic Herbal Snanam powder and then prepared my self for initiation.

What happened in Initiation?

Initiation started with a Devi Mantra chanting by Sadhguru himself. Then a small discourse about Devi by him. Then I got initiated into a powerful process called Devi Dandam.

Image source: Google

Here's a reference image of Devi Dandam.
So after learning Devi Dandam, I was initiated into a powerful devotional chant or I should say an invocation mantra of Devi called Linga Bhairavi Stuti.

Now me and other seekers have to do our Sadhana for next 28 days.

Now there are some rules of Sadhana which I can't follow because of my chronic illness doesn't allows me too and that is completely okay and no disease can stop me from recieving the grace of Bhairavi Devi.

Monday, December 20, 2021

I painted a rock like Devi

Namaskaram So, there are some 5 year olds in my neighbourhood, they always come to me in evening to play. 

I was exploring in garden with them, then I found this rock which was smooth and round like an oval.

First of all I don't paint regularly, I only paint when I feel like it. When I have this beautiful feeling about something. 

I know it's not perfect, but it is pure. I painted it without looking at Devi's image, just from heart so there may be some differences but it's all Devi so it doesn't really matter.

When you are in Devotion, it finds expression in your actions. Some people sing for God, some write, some dance and some helps needy. 

That's it for now. 

Saturday, December 18, 2021

The Presence of Devi

Namaskaram, I tried reading Bhairavi Stuti for the first time. It was a whole new feeling.

First I lit a ghee diya and agarbattis (incense sticks) in front of her. Then I started AUM chanting. 

Everything was normal till here, then I took out Bhairavi Stuti from my sadhana kit and started chanting.

My mind was jumping here and there, but when I finished reading first shloka it started to fade out from the scene. 

After the second shloka my mind was completely calm, I had the presence of mind and even I was able to exprience my own heart beat.

I was chanting it loud and clear and my mind was still throughout the chanting. It was a whole new feeling. I felt the presence of Devi in that room. 

I am very excited about upcoming Sadhana.

I am not feeling well from a few days, consulted doctors yesterday. I hope I get well before Bhairavi Sadhana.

Sometimes people think devotion is not a logical thing to do well if we logically analyze then all our relationships, achievements and identities will look illogical...

Everything that is beautiful in life is illogical, so if there's something beautiful happening in your life then let it happen. 

What is Bhairavi Stuti?

It is not a prayer or something like that, it is an invocation of Devi by chanting praises of Devi.

Friday, December 17, 2021

Strarted wearing concecrated Rudrakshas

Namaskaram, Today I got the chance to wear my Rudraksha which I recieved in Rudraksha Diksha. 

I got three Rudrakshas which were concecrated on Mahashivratri 2021 by Sadhguru himself.

Things I recieved in Rudraksha Diksha.

1. Three concecrated Rudrakshas ( to support me in my Sadhana and to receive the grace of Adiyogi Shiv Ji )

2. Concecrated Ash ( Vibhuti of Dhyanlingam )

3. Abhay Sutra ( Concecrated thread to tie on wrist for protection )

4. One Adiyogi Photo

First I kept Rudraksha in Ghee for 24 hours then in Cow Milk for another 24 hours to make it alive. 

I am feeling ecstatic, blissful and calm after wearing it. This is a new feeling.

These all are preparations before Yogic Sadhanas and to suport the Sadhaks on their way. They are not a must but life is short so you should take any help that is possible to reach the goal.

Yogis in past did all that without most of the things but we are living in good times, don't waste this lifetime. 

Om Namah Shivay । ओअम् नम: शिवाय।

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Today I recieved my Bhairavi Sadhana Kit

Devi in my life

Today I recieved my Bhairavi Sadhana Kit. I am very excited about it. In Sanatan Dharma it is said that you don't choose deities, they choose you. I am feeling really good from inside since I first saw Linga Bhairavi Devi. I registered for Bhairavi Sadhana almost a week ago and well here we are now.  

Sadhana will start from 28th December with an initiation and then it will finish in the end of January. Let me show you what I got in the kit.

1. A Devi Photo

2. Devi Kumkum

3. Abhay Sutra for the seekers

4. Bhairavi Stuti

And I also ordered Devi Pendant which is also needed for Sadhana, it's like a temple in itself, concecrated for the well-being of seeker. 

I placed the Devi image in my home temple. Offered her fruits and meditated there for a bit.

Ys we can say it is my first day.

What is Bhairavi Sadhana?

It is not a faith or religion thing but it is a spiritual practice, a powerful method. 

It is like what Krishna gave to arjuna, It is like what Budhha taught his desciple. It's a yogic practice.

Worship and celebration of divine feminine, worship of Linga Bhairavi Devi. Goddess of the Yogis and Sidhhas, source of all that is bautiful in this world. 

Sadhguru Quotes on Devi

If the feminine is lost on the planet, nothing of beauty, nothing of tenderness, nothing of truly aesthetic value will survive.

Linga Bhairavi is fire – as a woman should be. Fire does not mean fighting, anger, or jealousy – fire as in creation.

Linga Bhairavi is pure, untamed life – life in its highest possibility.

Linga Bhairavi is fierce and compassionate at once.

See you in the next post, till then Namaskaram.