There's a lesson in the incident that when the goddess is in your heart, you don't need outer symbols. Saying this myself sounds egoistic but no I am just her humble servant in this world and I have no desire to be treated specially and I am not even the humblest servant I am just somebody, forget me it is not about me it is about Devi.
Daily I experience something so intense something so new I can't describe in words, these things happen only by the grace of Devi. I am sick from a few weeks and mentally depressed too, I took a paid test and it came out I have severe depression and anxiety. I didn't wanted to be this way but all the things that have happened and some external things that are happening daily push me down and down.
Things get hard sometimes but I am a determined seeker, I instantly with whatever mental and physical power that was left in me, started gaining knowledge about my symptoms and how it is happening. I read books, articles and watched countless videos related to depression and anxiety and different aspects of human mind and emotions etc. Nobody understands this though they keep on doing their controlling behaviours but I guess I must heal myself somehow.
I am feeling better although very sensitive these days I am conducting some self-therapy methods which I have found effective and there is no shame in studying your own behaviour and improving your life. Some people might live as if science vs spirituality but that is an immature way of looking at this magical thing called life.
Sadhana made me self-aware about many things and recently I have started learning about CBT ( cognitive behavioural therapy ) It is helping me a lot and I have decided to study psychology in depth after I study a good amount english language.
Thank you Devi, Thank you Sadhguru for introducing me to Yoga, it's liberating experience and enormous health benefits. Taking care of life is very important specially for me it is fragile.