Days with Devi 🌸
Friday, October 18, 2024
Dark Times
Saturday, October 5, 2024
Hey Devi,
I was thinking about it. Who am I? Why I am being so weak and cowardly in the face of troubles? Remember Devi I was the one who asked on Diwali I am not scared of suffering mother give me more pain this is not testing my real strength? and now I am saying it hurts, how can I let weakness take over my heart in such dark times.
I am not this and even though the circumstances are not in my favour I must not kneel and beg for mercy.
My family, blood relatives, people I have known are all feeling sorry for me and they think I am over. They think he is just a sick kid who will struggle all his life and never be happy. He is lost and he will never get up.
My doctor says you don't have as much time as others and that time is not going to be pleasant. He prohibits me from doing excessive physical training and playing extreme sports.
One day they will realize they all are wrong.
Recently I got caught up in some health conditions that are very very painful and even when I am wiritng this article I am in extreme pain.
But, I am not going to submit to these situations. I will not cry even if pain is intolerable. I am not saying crying is a sign of weakness.
Oh Divine mother this is the time to show inner strength and only strong and wise can handle extreme situations like these when all doors closed and one is surrounded with death, pain and suffering.
This pain is nothing and I am not scared of what comes next. I would end this artcile by this quote.
" If everything around you seems dark, Look again. You may be the light. " - Rumi
Thursday, October 3, 2024
Taking responsibility
Hey Devi,
Recently I observed I have been worrying too much about my health and stuff but then I realized well I am going to die anyways so why not take responsibility of my situation and do some good things.
I don't want to end up like the people I see around me all poor and stressed.
This wish alone wakes me and motivates me to study and learn new things. Our bodies are turning to ashes anyways so why not use each minute for loving, kindness and creativity. My parents say don't sit in front of a pc whole day well my eyes will not be of any uses some years later anyways so why not use them before it's too late.
I love nature and I believe in power of hobbies. Your friends may abandon you, the people you love may cheat on you and break up with you or say hurtful things to you but a person can always heal as long he/she has some hobbies.
These are for mind but hobbies alone not gonna save everyone that is why reading spirtual text daily such as Bhagavad Gita or Upanishads or any other vedantic literaure is important.
I watch or read something from vedantic literature everyday and I have benefitted a lot from it. My phyical health is not great these days I am not in the best shape but I have started working on it.
One great thing about consuming great things is that it will not let you stay stuck. Thanks for your grace divine mother.
Maa Vedavati | An Avatar who spread the knowledge of Vedas |
Monday, September 30, 2024
Meditation and Love
Monday, September 16, 2024
Some Spiritual Observations
Monday, July 15, 2024
My pendant broke... but not my spirit
There's a lesson in the incident that when the goddess is in your heart, you don't need outer symbols. Saying this myself sounds egoistic but no I am just her humble servant in this world and I have no desire to be treated specially and I am not even the humblest servant I am just somebody, forget me it is not about me it is about Devi.
Daily I experience something so intense something so new I can't describe in words, these things happen only by the grace of Devi. I am sick from a few weeks and mentally depressed too, I took a paid test and it came out I have severe depression and anxiety. I didn't wanted to be this way but all the things that have happened and some external things that are happening daily push me down and down.
Things get hard sometimes but I am a determined seeker, I instantly with whatever mental and physical power that was left in me, started gaining knowledge about my symptoms and how it is happening. I read books, articles and watched countless videos related to depression and anxiety and different aspects of human mind and emotions etc. Nobody understands this though they keep on doing their controlling behaviours but I guess I must heal myself somehow.
I am feeling better although very sensitive these days I am conducting some self-therapy methods which I have found effective and there is no shame in studying your own behaviour and improving your life. Some people might live as if science vs spirituality but that is an immature way of looking at this magical thing called life.
Sadhana made me self-aware about many things and recently I have started learning about CBT ( cognitive behavioural therapy ) It is helping me a lot and I have decided to study psychology in depth after I study a good amount english language.
Thank you Devi, Thank you Sadhguru for introducing me to Yoga, it's liberating experience and enormous health benefits. Taking care of life is very important specially for me it is fragile.
Monday, April 15, 2024
I have written a prayer for Devi
Hey Devi,
I am working on myself and by your grace I will be a successful man in next few months. By your grace I can do anything, by your power I can defeat anyone and here's a prayer I have written for you, It blossomed in my heart when I was reading Upanishads.
O Devi, protector of truthful
Destroyer of untruth.
I am a fool, lowest of the lowest
I am nothing without your grace
Devi I must never abandon your lotus feet
Please never abandon me O supreme mother.
So am I happy or sad? I am good. I love life despite insufferable pain and a million issues, it is a blessing not everyone has it.
Sunday, September 17, 2023
How to talk to the Devi
Namaskaram, in this post I will share the method of connecting to the divine mother goddess and feeling her presence and grace in your life. I have been off lately from writing because I have a lot of things going on from study to career to family pressure and stuff and a million things all at once, surviving by her grace.
As you know, we all go through difficult days and our heart feels restless and worried and anxious and scared of don't know what but something that consumes us from inside and makes our world darker and darker, fear and depression and sadness and weakness poisoning our mind and making us weaker day by day. You want to kill yourself but you cannot, you want to live but you cannot. You want to cry but still you smile and when you smile you feel guilty for being happy as anxiety is your permanent home.
But remember in this vast cosmos, which is infinitely big, even the word BIG fells short to describer it's vastness, we are equal to nothing and our lives end in the blink of an eye so what you did or happened or what you feel doesn't matter, nothing matters in front of universe but everything just get dissolved into it. So the best decision you can make today is not to belittle your tiny successes and joys and feel good about yourself, just choose to feel good even in the times of trouble, that's the bravest thing you can do and Devi loves you anyways so why you strive to be good in the eyes of others, you are already good in the eyes of Divine Mother Goddess. As all the actions happen in mind and body and stay there, you are not mind and body, untouched by all actions, clear and divine.
Devi is that fire that ends the darkness and spreads the light of wisdom, peace, calmness and abundance in the devotee's life. She is so kind she just can't see you in trouble, the most compassionate one. She is the kindest most loving deity and one tear in your eyes is like a an arrow in her heart, she always loves her devotees and she is an eternal companion to those who seek her in distress.
So here are the steps I follow as I connect to her for inner guidance and her grace and to just share what I feel with her.
Step 1 - Wash your hands, face and legs with water
Step 2 - Light an oil lamp
Step 3 - Offer a flower to her like you would give it to a loved one with a smile and with full emotion
Step 4 - Sit comfortably straight in padmasana or any way you feel good to sit for a few minutes
Step 5 - look into her eyes and take deep breaths, make yourself comfortable
Step 6 - Close your eyes and take deep breaths and soon enough your head will start to clear
Step 7 - Now share all your worries, you dilemmas, your fears, your wants... Cry in front of her, just surrender yourself and she will take care of all your worries and she is Shakti she will provide strength to your heart and she will keep you in her lap and you will always feel protected and loved and safe.
She is easily available to those who calm their senses and mind by yoga and dhyana... she never leaves. She is the divinity within you.
That's it for today, keep doing your Sadhana, Namaskaram!
Wednesday, July 5, 2023
33 Names of Devi with Their Meanings
Friday, March 10, 2023
Almost One Year Later!
Namaskaram... Life has went through many events after my Bhairavi Sadhana in january 2022. Many things have happened, some of them were done by me, some of them by others but yeah it has happened anyhow. To say it was good or bad will be against the spirit of my sadhana and true spirituality.
Isn't spirituality is all about unlearning all good and bad, black and white, so things that happened just happened I will not label them either good or bad.
With the Grace of Mother Goddess Linga Bhairavi I have done many things, that I wanted to do. I will not bore you with details but I learned game development made a game, I made a beautiful painting of Devi for my sister and she really loved it, I am so glad that I made it and I did many little but fun things in past months.
Here is the painting.
Wednesday, December 29, 2021
Yes! I got initiated in Devi Sadhana
Namaskaram, The Devi Sadhana initiation was on 28th December. I was very nervous about it but everything happened really well.
My family also supported me, they bought all needed stuff, cleaned the Puja room and also bought me a white kurta pajama set.
I woke up early morning, took bath with the ayurvedic Herbal Snanam powder and then prepared my self for initiation.
What happened in Initiation?
Initiation started with a Devi Mantra chanting by Sadhguru himself. Then a small discourse about Devi by him. Then I got initiated into a powerful process called Devi Dandam.