Saturday, October 5, 2024


 Hey Devi,

                    I was thinking about it. Who am I? Why I am being so weak and cowardly in the face of troubles? Remember Devi I was the one who asked on Diwali I am not scared of suffering mother give me more pain this is not testing my real strength? and now I am saying it hurts, how can I let weakness take over my heart in such dark times.

I am not this and even though the circumstances are not in my favour I must not kneel and beg for mercy.

My family, blood relatives, people I have known are all feeling sorry for me and they think I am over. They think he is just a sick kid who will struggle all his life and never be happy. He is lost and he will never get up.

My doctor says you don't have as much time as others and that time is not going to be pleasant. He prohibits me from doing excessive physical training and playing extreme sports. 

One day they will realize they all are wrong.

Recently I got caught up in some health conditions that are very very painful and even when I am wiritng this article I am in extreme pain.

But, I am not going to submit to these situations. I will not cry even if pain is intolerable. I am not saying crying is a sign of weakness. 

Oh Divine mother this is the time to show inner strength and only strong and wise can handle extreme situations like these when all doors closed and one is surrounded with death, pain and suffering.

This pain is nothing and I am not scared of what comes next. I would end this artcile by this quote.

If everything around you seems dark, Look again. You may be the light. " - Rumi

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