Hey Devi,
Recently I observed I have been worrying too much about my health and stuff but then I realized well I am going to die anyways so why not take responsibility of my situation and do some good things.
I don't want to end up like the people I see around me all poor and stressed.
This wish alone wakes me and motivates me to study and learn new things. Our bodies are turning to ashes anyways so why not use each minute for loving, kindness and creativity. My parents say don't sit in front of a pc whole day well my eyes will not be of any uses some years later anyways so why not use them before it's too late.
I love nature and I believe in power of hobbies. Your friends may abandon you, the people you love may cheat on you and break up with you or say hurtful things to you but a person can always heal as long he/she has some hobbies.
These are for mind but hobbies alone not gonna save everyone that is why reading spirtual text daily such as Bhagavad Gita or Upanishads or any other vedantic literaure is important.
I watch or read something from vedantic literature everyday and I have benefitted a lot from it. My phyical health is not great these days I am not in the best shape but I have started working on it.
One great thing about consuming great things is that it will not let you stay stuck. Thanks for your grace divine mother.
Maa Vedavati | An Avatar who spread the knowledge of Vedas |
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